Vitality Portal

Hi I'm Meaghan South

Integrative Nutrition Coach

“I’m too busy. I’m sure it’s fine.”

That’s what I used to tell myself when faced with a range of niggling perimenopausal symptoms. I was exhausted, had a hazy memory and irritable gut symptoms but didn’t know where to look to start making a change. Juggling a busy career and family life, I felt like I didn’t have time to slow down and do the research to find a solution. Then, I was stopped in my tracks by my health and I had no choice but to stop and get back on top of my health.

Today, I’m living proof that improving and sustaining your health is possible when you’re supported by my easy-to-implement gut health protocols, delicious, nutritious and family-friendly recipes and my practical tips and bio-hacks that make supporting your health easier.

Where it all began

Like a lot women, my life was a constant juggle. Businesses. A busy partner. An amazing son. As the owner of several highly successful medispas, I was multi-tasking to manage my businesses and be present for my family, putting everyone else’s needs above my own.

Every day, I was running on empty. I would collapse into bed, exhausted, only to find myself waking at 2am unable to go back to sleep. Instead of stopping and listening to my body, I pushed, and pushed, and pushed. Until, one day, I couldn’t keep going.

When we aren’t willing to stop, the universe takes away our choice

Unexpectedly, one of my spa business partnerships dissolved. My stress levels became unmanageable, and I found myself physically and mentally unable to keep pushing. With a travelling partner and teenage son, my family desperately needed me too. I sold the medispa, however discovered that my body had entered sudden, stress-related early menopause. I was experiencing adrenal burn out and had developed auto-immune conditions, including antibodies for type one diabetes. As someone who built businesses in the health and wellness sphere, this was confronting. 

I knew something had to change. I had to be there for my family, and my current approach wasn’t working. I needed to find a new way of looking after myself. 

Reclaiming my health

For years, I’d been working with Dr Agnes Warchalowski, who was hte visiting doctor in my medispas. As a highly-qualified Nutrition Medicine Doctor, Dr Agnes recognised how vital gut health is to our overall health. Sharing some of the latest research, she showed me that many of my major symptoms could be attributed to poor gut health. This shocked me, as I thought I was eating well. And for many people, I was. But I wasn’t eating the right things for my body and my health needs. In fact, I was actually making it worse. 

Using Dr Agnes’s gut health protocol (the early version of what is now Bio-Alai Health System), I completed the protocol and healed my gut. Combining research and my own expertise, I explored ways to make my wholefood cooking even more nutritious and delicious. 

Once I started to feel better, I used my newfound energy to take formal studies in integrative nutrition and explored longevity routines and helpful habits. I knew this was a change I wanted - and needed - to make for lifelong vitality. 

A shift in thinking, a shift in health

I focussed on nourishing my gut with the right nutrient-dense food and supportive supplements, exercising, calming my nervous system and caring for myself and I found my long-lost health. I felt like me again. The extra kilos melted away, my adrenals healed and I found myself healthy and back to living an active and full life.

This could be you

Whatever Program you choose, if you put in the effort, you will feel the long term rewards. I started Meaghan South Vitality to share my hard-earned wisdom, knowledge and expertise, as women of all ages deserve to be supported and encouraged to reclaim their health so they can live a full life. You are worth the investment. You are worth prioritising. You are worth the effort.

Learn about my Programs