Vitality Portal



Life Changing Success Story

Jenny Jackson

"Meaghan is empathetic, caring and always there to support you. This is an amazing program."

Meaghan has provided so much knowledge and has been such a great support during my journey to understanding what nourishes me best... She's just being there while I shared what's going on for me in my life, but mostly to get me on track with my food.

I am on a trial program for a new cancer treatment. I was ALWAYS hungry and couldn't get satiated, and impaired sleep is a side effect of the medication. On this trial, my options for alternative support to help sleep is very limited, and the dieticians at the hospital thought my diet as good so couldn't me with my insatiable hunger. Hence, I was often exhausted, foggy headed, starving and maybe a little grumpy...

Meaghan provided an education experience that has helped me understand the correct food to eat to keep me satiated and nourished. This has changed the way I think about food, especially when I am hungry and looking for a snack. She helped me balance my blood sugars by choosing foods and combinations of foods that work best for me. This in turn helped me feel fuller longer, drop a few kilos that crept on, have more energy, lose the brain fog and sleep a bit better.

I'd also suffered from upset digestion for many years which resolved within a week of refining my eating and identifying which foods didn't agree with me.

Meaghan shared lot's of recipes and I highly recommend her blog as the recipes are easy and delicious, and I just feel so good after eating them. Thanks Meaghan, I often think of you  when I'm not raiding the pantry 10 times per day :)

Programme – Integrative Nutrition Coaching
Health Improvements – Balanced blood sugars, regulated appetite (satiation), improved energy, removed brain fog, weight loss, improved sleep
Weight Loss – 4 kilos
Duration – 8 weeks

How Meaghan can help

How would it feel to have more energy to get you through the day and sleep deeply every night waking up feeling refreshed? What about reaching (and maintaining) a healthy weight to reduce your risk of chronic health issues and disease? Would a clear and balanced mind allow you to focus on chasing (and reaching!) your goals sooner?

Meaghan works with her clients, using a supportive, integrated approach while still closely collaborating with a Functional Medicine Doctor.


This is where an experienced coach shines, stepping in to guide your journey and keeping you accountable so that you stay on track. The right coach can be the difference between healthy longevity and staying where you are right now.