Vitality Portal



Life Changing Success Story


“I’ll be forever grateful to Meaghan for supporting and inspiring me in my journey to developing simple and sustainable habits. These have given me an abundance of energy, a focussed mind, a new way of living and helped me reach a healthy weight. Importantly, I have also learnt to slow down…”

I am in my early 50s and the driver for me seeking Meaghan’s help was routine blood results showing poor kidney function, increasing cholesterol, menopausal hormones and low iron.  While I was shocked to be told this, when I stopped to think about it, I was not feeling great physically. I was tired, bloated, constipated and carrying a few too many kilos. Life was busy with teenage kids, full-time work and lots of other commitments. I found that I had slipped into the habit of having both breakfast and lunch on the go and grabbing whatever I could lay my hands on. This was a sliding doors moment for me – I either took control of my health or it was going to take control of me.  I am so glad that I did, as when I had repeat blood tests at the end of the course, it was my doctor and not me who was shocked at the turnaround in my results. It turned out the weight loss I was motivated by was just the bonus.

Meaghan has been there every step of the way motivating and encouraging me.  Her approach to understanding and responding to my health challenges has been integrated, holistic and practical. She has helped educate me through a science-based approach to appreciate the importance of gut and metabolic health, and balancing blood sugars and hormones. Her guidance through the medical 6 week gut health protocol was invaluable and helped me achieve a much better outcome than I ever could.

I have also learnt that not everyone responds to food in the same way.  Meaghan has helped me discover those foods that make me feel great.  She has generously shared recipes, food products and tips for the kitchen.  She has helped me to create a simple morning routine that makes sure I’m set up for the day.  She has taught me the importance of making sure that I have some foods prepped and ready to go each week so that I don’t slip back into bad habits.  My family are reaping the benefits of my new- found ways, as it means that they also are enjoying delicious and healthy meals which I can have on the table in no time.

Of course, life goes on, as does the socialising, the hectic pace of combining work and family and the inevitable stressful situations that we will encounter.  I feel so confident that the simple and practical habits that I have embedded will be sustainable in the years ahead.  Thanks to Meaghan, I have come to realise that making an investment in my health now will reap the benefits for the rest of my life.

Programme – Lifelong Vitality - Personal Program
Health Improvements – More energy, significantly improved blood test results, hormones back in perimenopause levels from menopause with no symptoms, clear brain, lifelong constipation resolved, rebalanced blood sugar levels, boosted metabolism, more self care and learning to slow down, meal planning and prepping for busy family mastered, long term lifestyle established, identified and addressed other health conditions.
Weight Loss – 7 Kilos
Duration – 12 weeks

How Meaghan can help

How would it feel to have more energy to get you through the day and sleep deeply every night waking up feeling refreshed? What about reaching (and maintaining) a healthy weight to reduce your risk of chronic health issues and disease? Would a clear and balanced mind allow you to focus on chasing (and reaching!) your goals sooner?

Meaghan works with her clients, using a supportive, integrated approach while still closely collaborating with both Dr Agnes and a Holistic Nurse.


This is where an experienced coach shines, stepping in to guide your journey and keeping you accountable so that you stay on track. The right coach can be the difference between healthy longevity and staying where you are right now.