Vitality Portal



Life Changing Success Stories

John and Susan Gaffy

"We were finally getting married after 10 years and four kids and found ourselves overweight, sluggish and basically in survival mode. Now we have achieved our weight loss and health goals we're determined to never go back to the way we were."

We could never make long-lasting progress on our habits and lifestyles. John had digestive issues due to long term anxiety and a lifetime of unhealthy coping habits, and Susan after four pregnancies was pre-diabetic and had hormonal imbalances.  We were in desperate need of a change but felt completely stuck and powerless.

Setting Expectations

Going into the program, we feared the usual ghost of diets past, a crash course of cold turkey boot camp style, suck it up and embrace the pain. Instead, we were met with enduring compassion and support.  Meaghan explained how our habits had degraded our health and how we could unpick the knot of interrelated issues to slowly and steadily allow our bodies to heal.

The program was laid out in easily digestible modules gradually focusing our understanding to create strategies and habits to support our new style of eating.

By the time we reached the Medical Grade Gut cleanse stage, we were trained and equipped to achieve the best results of our lives.

Results and Gratitude

The knowledge, coaching and guidance we received from Meaghan throughout the 6-week program kept us strong, focused and persistent. Meaghan encouraged us to contact her at any time with any questions we had and scheduled conference calls every week to follow up on how we were going and how we were feeling.

John lost 13 kilos and Susan 6 kilos, and we felt amazing for our wedding day. But these are some of our big wins:

  • Our energy skyrocketed and we could easily cope with our normally exhausting busy family
  • Our brain fog disappeared and we both feel clear headed, focused and much happier
  • Our skin is healthy and glowing, and John’s Rosacea significantly calmed
  • Johns chronic pain improved, and he has strategies to deal with it
  • We’re no longer bloated feeling puffy from fluid retention
  • John’s sleep improved considerably and has daily practices to keep getting quality sleep
  • We have an exercise routine and practical tips to make it happen with our schedule and family – no more excuses
  • Our stubborn health issues went away
  • We learned to value self-care in general and to look after ourselves and each other.
  • We identified different foods that were not compatible with us and changed our whole relationship to meal planning and eating.

We now know what it feels like to be well and healthy - we love it and could never go back to how we were.

A note from John - I learnt so much about nutrition and how I need to take care of myself, so I can take care of those I love. Some steps on the journey were tough and at times I wasn't sure I'd make it but looking back I can see now that was my fear holding onto my past and now that I have achieved my goals I'm determined to never go back to the way I was.

Programme – Lifelong Vitality - Personal Program (coached together)
Health Improvements – More energy, less chronic pain, more mobility, improved digestion and gut function, improved mental health, regular exercise routine, reduced blood sugar levels, improved sleep, commitment to lifelong lifestyle

Weight loss – John 13 kilos, Susan 6 kilos
Duration – 16 weeks

How Meaghan can help

How would it feel to have more energy to get you through the day and sleep deeply every night waking up feeling refreshed? What about reaching (and maintaining) a healthy weight to reduce your risk of chronic health issues and disease? Would a clear and balanced mind allow you to focus on chasing (and reaching!) your goals sooner?

Meaghan works with her clients, using a supportive, integrated approach while still closely collaborating with a Functional Medicine Doctor.


This is where an experienced coach shines, stepping in to guide your journey and keeping you accountable so that you stay on track. The right coach can be the difference between healthy longevity and staying where you are right now.