Vitality Portal



Life Changing Success Story

Ali and Anthony Rice

"My brain fog has diminished, and my energy is the best it’s been in years. This program is life-Changing."

Before Meaghan’s program, my husband and I were in a slump and at the heaviest weight we had ever been in our lives. We were feeling flat, lacked energy, had brain fog and found it hard to do every day general tasks like bending down to pick something up. We have tried many different diets in the past, some with little to no success and some were a quick fix, but the weight always returned.

With our 40 th birthdays approaching, and two beautiful young girls to chase after, we knew we needed to do something differently in the longer term. Meaghan’s program was a game-changer for us, re-educating us on what it means to eat healthily. And her support kept us on track, giving me delicious new recipes to try, motivating me to exercise regularly, which is something I’ve always struggled with, and generally giving us lots of tips that made sticking to it possible.

Our bodies are thanking us now! At the end of the 12-week program, my husband lost 16kg and I lost 13.5kg, and a week later I’m continuing to shed weight easily and my goal of 15kg is within arm’s reach. My brain fog has diminished, and my energy is the best it’s been in years. This program is life-changing. Thank you, Meaghan, for all your ongoing  support. We are committed to this way of living in the longer term. It’s easy, we just feel so good and love our new bodies.

Programme – Lifelong Vitality - Personal Program
Health Improvements – Much more energy, brain fog diminished, less pain, more flexibility, regular exercise routine, reduced blood sugar levels, meal prepping for busy family and travel mastered, long term lifestyle established
Weight loss – Anthony 16 kilos, (goal weight achieved) Ali 13.5 kilos (continuing to slowly lose weight)
Duration – 12 weeks

How I can help

How would it feel to have more energy to get you through the day and sleep deeply every night waking up feeling refreshed? What about reaching (and maintaining) a healthy weight to reduce your risk of chronic health issues and disease? Would a clear and balanced mind allow you to focus on chasing (and reaching!) your goals sooner?

I work with my clients, using a supportive, integrated approach while still closely collaborating with a Functional Medicine Doctor. 


As an experienced coach, I step in to guide your journey and keeping you accountable so that you stay on track. The right coach can be the difference between healthy longevity and staying where you are right now.