Vitality Portal

The Ultimate Course in “How To” Uplevel Your Vitality -  Reset your gut health, balance your hormones, improve your sleep, and embed new longevity routines to create a vibrant mind and refreshed body in just 90 days.

The Ultimate Course in “How To” Uplevel Your Vitality -  Reset your gut health, balance your hormones, improve your sleep, and embed new longevity routines to create a vibrant mind and refreshed body in just 90 days. 

Course in Lifelong Vitality


These are some typical ‘over 40’ issues. Can you relate to any of them?

  • You're feeling exhausted, and your mojo’s gone missing. Sleep is now just a five-letter word, instead of being a time of regeneration.
  • Extra kilos have made their home on your hips or tummy. Food cravings or food sensitivities are getting worse. You're looking tired, with dull, dry or ageing skin.
  • Business and life are taking more effort. Your brain is a little foggy, and you can’t focus like you used to. Things you used to take in your stride seem overwhelming, and it’s almost impossible to keep up to date with your to-do list. And you can’t see a way out.
  • You try to eat healthily, but don’t know what food, health products or supplements are best for you. There’s so much hype that it’s hard to know where to start, what to take, and who to trust. Long term vitality seems like an impossible dream.
I am interested, Let's Talk

How to work and live as your best self

Here's some more information about my Ultimate “How To” Up-level Your Vitality Guide. Reset your gut health, loose those extra kilos, improve your sleep and embed new longevity routines to create a vibrant mind and refreshed body in just 90 days


How the course is delivered

Our work together will be part health retreat, part practical, part nurturance and all encouragement. You’ll have the best personalised nutrition and lifestyle information to level-up and live your best life.

7 Personal Immersions with Meaghan. 

Every 2 weeks throughout your course we’ll share an hour together, focussing on your priorities from the areas below. Working together and step by step, we’ll create your own personalised “Toolbox for Lifelong Vitality” to bring about transformation you can sustain. There's more information on what's included in the 7 personal immersions in the FAQ's below.

Downloadable Wellness Sessions

Supporting your Personal Immersions are informative videos, as well as action sheets, routines, shopping lists, recipes, biohacking tips, gut health protocols, and strategies to empower you for ongoing success. Complete these each week in your own time. 

6-Week Gut Cleanse and Body Reset. 

During the course you’ll complete a 6-week gut health reset created by a leading Integrative Physician I work closely with. The gut health reset uses scientifically proven methods to reduce inflammation, restore gut microbiota, rebalance your physiology and support your body to easily release weight. There's more information on the Gut Health Protocol in the FAQ's below.


  • Wellness Session with Nurse Jackie. 

     Jackie is an inspiring holistic Nurse Consultant who is passionate about sharing practical wellness wisdoms to help women be fit and fabulous at any age, living in joy, managing stresses, and removing unnecessary, hormone-disrupting toxins from their lives. Your session with Jackie covers practical, natural, and effective solutions for managing everyday stresses, bringing more joy into your life, and creating a low tox healthy home, embracing Doterra Essential oils.

  • Private Facebook Group

    Membership of our private Facebook Group for additional learning and support.

  • Ongoing Voxer Support

    100 days of personal messenger and email support for up to 20 minutes per week for those SOS moments.

  • Special offers and discounts on Meaghan’s favourite wellness products.


Regain your zest for life and welcome back your mojo

  • Rebalance your body, cleanse your gut, and release unwanted kilos with the Gut Health Reset. You can expect to let go of 8-10 over the 90 days as your body transforms into looking and feeling like ‘you’ again. 
  • Learn what to eat to boost your metabolism, and enjoy effortless ongoing weight management, while still enjoying some of your favourite treats. 
  • Establish a healthy sleep routine that allows your body to repair, so you wake feeling refreshed and ready to be your best. 
  • Prioritise nurturing self-care so you have more to give to your family, your business and your life.
  • Keep you – and your family – healthy, with easy, super healthy and delicious meals and snacks.
  • Feel supported to get back on track with a myriad of simple, practical and evidence-based tools to guide your transformation.
  • Embed supportive personal lifestyle routines to boost your performance and have the energy to chase your dreams.
Interested? Let's Talk

A little about me

I’m Meaghan South, mum, partner and award-winning Spa and Wellness Entrepreneur, turned Integrative Nutrition Coach after going through sudden stress-related menopause and learning from my insightful recovering from chronic adrenal burnout and autoimmune conditions.

In my 40's, I juggled everyone’s needs and was running on empty for far too long. I made the fatal error of not looking after myself enough for what I was holding and paid an extraordinary price.

If you’re feeling overwhelmed or completely exhausted, I have a sense of how you feel, I don’t want you to go through what I have. There is a better way,

I've found my way back to experiencing vitality and living my full and happy life and I'm passionate about empowering women to take back control of their health with the best nutrition and lifestyle information, with easy to implement protocols, traditional wisdoms, practical tips, recipes, and bio-hacks.

I work closely with an Integrative Physician and Holistic Nurse and hold qualifications in Integrative Nutrition. I love following the latest research in gut health, nutrition, and longevity, so you don’t have to, and my special talent is researching and finding what food, lifestyle, supplements, and bio-hacks work best for optimum health and longevity.

You may feel you have worked so hard for your wisdom, financial stability and relationships but are now unable to deeply enjoy it all, I know that feeling.

Allow me to be your guide to fully enjoy your life, love, and business again. I can show you how to have renewed energy to take on the world if you wish, or simply live your life to the full.


Come on the journey to vitality with me. If you have any questions or would like some more information, please read the FAQ’s below, or reach out to me here, I’ll be happy to help.

I look forward to the opportunity of working with you so you have the vitality to live your happiest and most fulfilled life, however that may look for you.

Meaghan xx

Frequently Asked Questions

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