Vitality Portal



Life Changing Success Story


"The program and protocol have really changed my life. I lived with IBS in the form of chronic diarrhoea for 8 years which is now resolved."

I'd been to doctors, gastroenterologists and other specialists and they couldn't help me. I'd tried diets and protocols, but nothing got to cause of the issue, and it came back as soon as I finished, along with my night time snacking cravings...

The Medical Grade Gut Health Protocol addressed the underlying factors that were manifesting as IBS, but it did take time. Meaghan helped me stay on track when I was not getting the initial symptom relief that I was hoping for. I wanted to give up so many times, but she just wouldn't let me and told me to keep trusting to process, our gut takes time to heal and reset, and it worked. Staying on track ended up helping me get the result that I was so desperately looking for.

My IBS symptoms are now resolved, and Meaghan has given me strategies for the longer term. If I do go off track and start to feel my symptoms again, I have the tools to get back on track, and Meaghan is always there, even months after my program for a chat and tips to help, or some tough love if needed. I also lost some extra kilos that had crept on and wouldn't budge, I'm happier, sleeping better and back to exercising regularly. Thanks!

Programme – Lifelong Vitality - Personal Program
Health Improvements – Reset gut to address chronic IBS symptom of diarrhoea, improved perimenopause symptoms, motivation and mental health, boosted energy, brain clarity, improved sleep, improved relationship with sugar and in control of cravings, mastered meal prepping and adjusting recipes for large family needs, new long term lifestyle established.

Weight loss – 5 kilos
Duration – 16 Weeks

How Meaghan can help

How would it feel to have more energy to get you through the day and sleep deeply every night waking up feeling refreshed? What about reaching (and maintaining) a healthy weight to reduce your risk of chronic health issues and disease? Would a clear and balanced mind allow you to focus on chasing (and reaching!) your goals sooner?

Meaghan works with her clients, using a supportive, integrated approach while still closely collaborating with a Functional Medicine Doctor.


This is where an experienced coach shines, stepping in to guide your journey and keeping you accountable so that you stay on track. The right coach can be the difference between healthy longevity and staying where you are right now.