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Inspiring Everyday Vitality 

Superfood Mayonnaise

Sep 14, 2024

I've called this mayonnaise 'superfood', because I don't think many people realise what a nutritional powerhouse a good homemade mayonnaise is.

Apart from good fats, raw egg yolks contain vitamins B12, B2, A, D folate and zinc to help heal your gut, boost immune function and reduce blood pressure. Apple cider vinegar supercharges your body to boost metabolism, balance your blood sugars, help heal your gut. And by using cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil you are nourishing your cells with antioxidants, polyphenols and good oils to lower inflammation. (Chose one in dark glass so that you know it's fresh and the polyphenols are still active.) It takes a bit to get used to olive oil instead of cheap, nasty, cancer producing seed oils, however once you get used to it and know you are loving your body by using olive oil, you'll love it too!

This is a Jo Whitton recipe (thanks Jo), it's perfect and my whole family love it. Serve it with anything you would normally serve a mayo with, though my family particularly love it with my Pulled Pork Shoulder

You may be able to have this mayonnaise in the therapeutic stage if you leave out the mustard (it's fermented) and you are allowed ACV and eggs. Otherwise it's perfect for the maintenance stage!

BIO-ALAI FRIENDLY - Maintenance Stage

Prep Time: 10 mins

Makes:  270 grams


  • 2 egg yolks (chose the freshest and best quality eggs you can)
  • 1 tsp preservative-free dijon mustard
  • 1 tsp raw apple cider vinegar (ACV)
  • 1 tsp raw honey
  • 1/2 tsp Celtic or Himalayan seat salt
  • 1/8 tsp freshly ground pepper
  • 250 ml (1 cup) cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil


  1. Place egg yolks, mustard, vinegar, honey, salt and pepper in the bowl of an electric mixer.
  2. Whisk on medium-high speed for 1-2 minutes until mixture is foamy.
  3. With the mixer still running on medium, slowly drizzle in the oil in a thin stream, taking care not to add too much at once. It will take approx 4-5 minutes to add the oil. Be patient, meditate and enjoy being focussed on one simple task for a few minutes, such a treat!
  4. Check taste, add more salt if need.
  5. Pour into a glass jar, cover and refrigerate. Mayonnaise will thicken in the fridge. 

I use the Thermomix for ease, though I find I don't get the foamy egg yolks, I think and electric mixer will create an even better mayo!

Jo recommends adding 1/4 tsp chill powder to make a Chilli Mayo, or 1 finely chopped garlic clove and a small handful of chopped parsley for a Herb and Garlic Mayo - both are outstanding! We use the Chilli Mayo with our Pulled Pork.

Store in an airtight jar in the fridge for up to a week. Use the egg whites in my Grain-Free Bread.

You'll never go back to store brought mayo again xx


Meaghan and Mel xx

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Meaghan and Mel xx

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