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Slow-Roasted Lamb Shoulder - Bio-Alai Friendly

Mar 27, 2024

This slow roasted lamb shoulder is our Sunday night family favourite when I want to serve a comforting, delicious and super easy family dinner. Its also usually served at Easter and family gatherings as we can focus on quality time together not preparation, then sit down to a scrumptious dinner together.  

My lamb shoulder recipe is different as I slow cook it uncovered on a bed of onion, rosemary, thyme and garlic. Chicken broth in the pan to helps keep the lamb tender and it's the base for the self made gravy. Scoop the pan juices mixed with the chicken broth a few times and the meat will be infused with all the flavours. I always throw in a whole lemon cut in half as it keeps the meat moist and cuts through the fat in the lamb (don't skip the lemon, its a game changer). 

The result is a tender pull apart lamb shoulder with lot's of crispy outside bits that have been basted with chicken broth. It's not as 'pull-apart' as lamb shoulder cooked for 8 hours, however I like that as I find the meat has more texture and flavour.

My lamb shoulder recipe is forgiving, easy and has a self made gravy. It's so delicious and nutritious (as long as you can manage your serving size better than me!).

BIO-ALAI FRIENDLY - Therapeutic Stage

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 4 hours plus 15 minutes rest time

Serves: 6 (with maybe some left overs)


  • 2 kg shoulder of lamb, bone in.* 
  • Proper* salt and pepper. Don't get too excited with the salt as you also have salt content in the chicken broth and vegetable stock.
  • 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil or fat kept from last lamb or chicken roast
  • 1 onion, sliced into rings
  • Whole garlic head, unpeeled, broken up
  • 2 to 4 rosemary sprigs, depending on how punchy you like your flavours
  • Small handful of thyme sprigs   
  • 3 cups homemade chicken broth* 
  • 1 teaspoon Urban Forager vegetable stock*
  • 1 lemon, halved


  1. Preheat oven to 160°C (fan)
  2. Place onion on bottom of roasting pan then layer garlic, rosemary and thyme on top
  3. Season lamb by placing lamb shoulder on top of onion and herbs, drizzle lamb with olive oil or smear on fat, then sprinkle generously with salt and pepper and rub it all in
  4. Mix the vegetable stock into the chicken broth
  5. Pour chicken broth around the lamb the pop the halved lemon in the broth sitting cut side upwards 
  6. Place uncovered in the oven and roast for 4 hours. Check each hour and spoon the juices over the lamb with chicken broth to add flavour and moisture If you find you are running low on liquid in the pan add some water or more chicken broth. You don't need a lot as the gravy self thickens with the onions and garlic and you just need a big dollop each
  7. After 3.5 hours remove from the oven, spoon juices over again and check if the meat easily pulls apart and off the bone. If not, return to the oven for another half hour. Check again.
  8. When you are happy with the lamb, remove from the oven, spoon over pan juices generously. Transfer to a serving / carving platter, and cover loosely with foil while you make the gravy.


  1. Using a large spoon, skim off most of the fat from the surface of the liquid. Either discard or keep for next time.
  2. Squeeze the garlic out of the cloves and press the garlic into the bottom of the pan to dissolve them - this helps thicken the gravy. Remove stalks from rosemary and thyme and add herbs back into pan. Squeeze the lemon juices out of the lemon half being careful not to burn yourself or drop pips into the gravy.
  3.  Place the pan on the stove top on medium high and stir to combine and reheat the gravy. Check seasoning. Viola, that's it.


  • The meat is tender so you will only a knife to gently carve and a pair of tongs to tear the meat off. Serve with gravy, some mashed sweet potatoes or pumpkin and steamed greens, or a green salad. 


  • Cooking with the bone in always adds more flavour to the meat and gravy. If you're using a boneless lamb shoulder, cook it for about 30 minutes less.
  • You can always ask the butcher to cut you a lamb shoulder to feed the amount of people you are serving. 
  • If dinner unexpectantly runs late the lamb is very forgiving. Turn it down in the oven or leave it resting for up to an hour.

I hope your family enjoy this recipe as much as ours does.

Meaghan xx

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Meaghan and Mel xx

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