Vitality Portal

Inspiring Everyday Vitality 

Post-Workout Electrolyte Drink

Aug 24, 2024

Say hello to your easy to make, cost effective and super nourishing homemade post-workout electrolyte drink. You can keep it as simple as you like, or make it nice and fancy with sliced cucumbers, lemons and mint. Add a good tablespoon of raw honey and your kids will like it after sport as well - anything's got to be better than Gatorade!

I love all these natural sources of minerals and hydration for the body:

Coconut water is often referred to as “nature's Gatorade” because it contains a variety of electrolytes including sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Lemon juice is a good source of sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium.

Celtic sea salt is also called “gray salt” because of its gray color, which comes from the extra minerals, magnesium, calcium, potassium, zinc, and iron.

Good pink Himalayan salt boasts all 84 essential trace elements which your body needs to function properly. It's also known to help stabilize blood sugar levels, reduce muscle cramp, and facilitate an optimal pH in your cells. I would get your Himalayan salt from a health food store rather than the supermarket, I can't imagine they are all equal in nutrition.

Raw honey can help get the kids on board by adding sweetness and contains antioxidants, a variety of vitamins and minerals, and has antimicrobial properties.


If you're on the Bio-Alai Protocol or have blood sugar issues, then I recommend mixing the coconut water with half filtered water as coconut water is quite high in natural sugars. Also, omit the honey. 

BIO-ALAI FRIENDLY - Therapeutic Stage

Prep Time: 5 mins

 Serves:  1


  • 1 cup coconut water
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1/8 teaspoon of Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt
  • 1 teaspoon of raw honey (optional) 
  • Optional extras

    - Sliced ginger or fresh mint to aid digestion

    - Sliced cucumber for extra cell hydration 


  1.  Put in a jar and shake or blend all the ingredients.
  2. Add extras like sliced ginger and mint.
  3. Enjoy. 


You can refrigerate for up to three days, however the nutrients in the fresh ingredients like lemons will slowly deteriorate.


Meaghan and Mel xx

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We look forward to the opportunity of working with you so you have the vitality to live your happiest and most fulfilled life.

Meaghan and Mel xx

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