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Mel's Simple Salad Dressing - Bio-Alai Friendly

Apr 05, 2024

Salad without a dressing is like dancing without music: it's okay, it can be done, but it's just so much better when you can crank up the tunes. There's a million and one dressing recipes out there, but here's one that is simple enough to memorise, easy enough to throw together with pantry staples and, most importantly, delicious enough to want to add to salad as well as veggies.

It was my mum's go-to growing up, and when I wanted to recreate her simple cabbage salad (literally just raw cabbage and this dressing!), she passed it onto me.  And now I have the great honour to pass it onto you.  You're welcome!

This dressing is Bio Alai protocol-friendly, for when you want a bit of boogie with your routine!

BIO-ALAI FRIENDLY - Therapeutic Stage

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Serves: 6


  • Juice of half a lemon

  • ¼ cup of cold pressed olive oil

  • Proper salt*, to taste

  • Lots of cracked pepper

  • 1 garlic clove, crushed


  1. Add the ingredients into a small bowl. 
  2. Mix or whisk together, super easy
  3. Add to the salad (or drizzle over veggies) that will be consumed with the meal.


If you are intending to keep some of the salad for tomorrow's lunch, keep that separate. Don’t add the dressing yet or it will be all soggy tomorrow. And no one likes soggy salad.

*Proper salt: by proper salt I mean real salt, that hasn’t had aluminium added as an anti-caking agent. All table salt has this added, and we know aluminium is toxic to our health, particularly that of the brain. It’s a very easy thing to swap out if you are using table salt. There are many rock salt options on the market. And your body won’t be then needing to spend its good nutrients on removing this toxin from the body. Proper salt also tastes better and stronger.


Meaghan and Mel xx

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We look forward to the opportunity of working with you so you have the vitality to live your happiest and most fulfilled life.

Meaghan and Mel xx

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