Low Histamine Chicken Broth - Bio-Alai Friendly
Nov 20, 2023Chicken broth is one of the worlds most nutritious foods and can be very helpful healing your gut in the longer term. It's full of nutrients like essential minerals (calcium, magnesium, potassium), as well as phosphor, silicon, sulphur, collagen, gelatin and glucosamine.
However, when broths are store brought or home cooked over a longer period of time, like 12 hours or more, they produce histamines which can impact the balance in the gut microbiota and intestinal barrier. If someone has a histamine intolerance they often experience symptoms like diarrhea, headaches, bloating, nausea, flushing - especially of the head and chest, a congested, runny, or itchy nose, or red, itchy, or watery eyes. If this is you, follow your Bio-Alai Personalised Nutrition Plan Therapeutic Stage for at least one cycle or until your symptoms have resolved, and then slowly introduce this broth.
This low histamine fast-cooking chicken broth recipe is tasty and nourishing as a base for soups, casseroles, savoury mince, gravies or anything really, it’s very versatile. It's also delicious as an afternoon treat served steaming with a sprinkle of salt and pepper and a squeeze of lemon.
I usually freeze this recipe right away using glass jars or silicone molds. Molds are ideal as you can freeze individual servings of bone broth, pop them out of the freezer and defrost them quickly. Defrosting your bone broth quickly is another trick to reducing histamine build-up. If you are familiar with using a pressure cooker, it can cook the broth faster which means there is less of a histamine build up.
This recipe is Bio-Alai Health System friendly and approved for the Therapeutic Stage of some plans. For Personalised Nutrition Plans that are addressing a histamine sensitivity or intolerance, you'll need to wait until your second cycle to trial adding in this chicken broth. Please follow the food reintroduction guide to see how your body responds to histamines. If you have any symptoms, remove the broth for another cycle then try again.
What I particularly love about this Low Histamine Chicken Broth recipe is that using a whole chicken means that you not only get a delicious broth but also a whole chicken that's tender and succulent. The pieces will fall off the bone and you can store them in the fridge covered in a little stock for up to 5 days to use in soups and salads.
1 whole chicken plus additional chicken carcasses or some feet / necks. You'll need enough to loosely fill the pot, I like to add extra carcasses and necks / feet to maximise amino acids and the healing properties of the stock. If you're not sure how many extra carcasses to buy, then buy extra as the rest can go in the freezer till next time.
- 2 x carrots chopped into 4 cm pieces*
- 2 x sticks of celery chopped into 4 cm pieces*
- 1 x leek chopped into 4 cm rounds* (or onion if tolerated)
- 1 small bunch thyme**
- 1 small bunch parsley**
- 2 bay leaves**
- 2 teaspoons sea salt
- 2 teaspoons freshly ground black pepper
- Filtered water to just cover chicken and vegetables
Place your whole chicken plus additional bones of chicken in a large saucepan. Add all vegetables, herbs, salt and pepper, just cover with water and bring to the boil.
- Reduce heat to low, skim off any impurities that rises to the surface, then cover and simmer gently for 2 hours.
- Prepare your kitchen sink with ice cubes and cold water.
- Remove broth from the heat and place the pot in the sink of cold water to cool the stock quickly. This will help minimise the histamines from developing. To further help the broth cool quickly remove the whole chicken and put in a bowl to cool, discard the additional bones and vegetables, and pour the remaining broth into large stainless-steel bowls and put in fridge.
- Once cooled in the fridge, freeze any leftovers immediately by transferring to glass jars or silicone cubes to freeze for future recipes.
*You can use scraps and off-cuts too. Keep a container in your freezer and fill with off-cuts of carrots, onions, parsley stalks etc for future stocks. Ensure they are not foods on your 'Avoid for Now' List in your Personalised Nutrition Plan or ones you know you are sensitive to.
** Try these optional herbs and spices. Fresh herbs and spices are preferable as they are lower in histamines; coriander, ginger, lemongrass, turmeric, garlic, parsley or oregano. Ensure they are not foods on your 'Avoid for Now' List in your Personalised Nutrition Plan or ones you know you are sensitive to.
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We look forward to the opportunity of working with you so you have the vitality to live your happiest and most fulfilled life.
Meaghan and Mel xx
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