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How to get a better night’s sleep

Nov 10, 2022

A good night's sleep seems to be one of the main health challenges of nearly all my coaching clients. They crave to sleep better and to wake up feeling refreshed, ready to get on with their day. Does that sound like you? If so, I've got some great strategies for you.

When we sleep, our body recovers, our nervous system balances and toxins are flushed from our system. However, when we stress and don’t sleep well, it can lead to elevated cortisol and insulin levels, which causes a range of detrimental effects in the body. Persistently elevated cortisol leads to chronic inflammation which impairs our detoxification systems. And raised insulin levels over a longer period is a step towards type 2 diabetes.

Making sleep a priority and getting a good seven or eight hours of good sleep, helps you feel much more energetic and focused.  My clients also tell me that when they get less than 6 hours, the symptoms related to their health conditions are worse. If you take notice, you may observe a connection between your quality of sleep and your health conditions. 

What and when we eat plays a critical role in our quality of sleep. I take a deep dive into food with all my clients, and they tell me refining their eating and following some simple actions each day, improves their sleep significantly.

A good way to think about it is that everything we do during the day either creates a better or worse night's sleep. Here are my 7 top lifestyle tips for you to incorporate into a sleep routine to help get a restorative night's sleep. 

  1. Embrace a regular sleep schedule. Going to sleep and waking at the same time each day creates a rhythm for your body. If you can get your lights out by 9.45 then you have a good chance to be asleep by 10 before your body changes to a new biorhythm and wakes up again. Our body also naturally likes to wake by 6am, so setting an alarm for 6 am (at the latest) helps you get into a new healthier cycle.  
  2. Get natural sunlight. Aim for at least 20 minutes of sunshine every day, preferably in the morning, which triggers your brain to release serotonin, which then turns into melatonin at night, the hormone that controls your sleep-wake cycle (circadian rhythm). Avoid computers, phones, tablets and television one or two hours before bed. The blue light emitted by your screen inhibits the production of melatonin, which makes it even more difficult to fall asleep and wake up the next day.
  3. Turn off your wifi. Electromagnetic frequencies can impair sleep. I recommend turning off WiFi and keeping all of your electronic devices away from your bed.  Create a common area charging station in your home and encourage all your family members to “check in” their devices before bed.
  4. Exercise everyday. When we exercise we sleep better. It supports your hormones, reduces your sugar levels, makes you physically tired and is a simple, free hack to a good night's sleep.
  5. Clear your mind. When something’s on your mind it can be hard to get to sleep. Keep your journal by your bed and write down your to-do list or thoughts before you go to sleep so you can close your eyes and make it less likely for your mind to spin.
  6. Use relaxation practices. Do some light stretching, yoga or personal massage before bed to relax your mind and body. A guided meditation or deep breathing calms your mind and helps you drift off to sleep. 


  7. Cool down your room and your body. Sleeping in a cool room that's a maximum of 20 degrees can help you get into a deeper sleep. Having a warm bath (with epsom salts) or a shower before bed energetically lets go of the day, and finishing with a cold shower also induces a deeper sleep.

I’ve found prioritising my sleep and following these lifestyle strategies helps me get a better night’s sleep. I encourage you to give them a try to help you get a longer, deeper sleep and wake refreshed, to not only take on the day ahead but support your long-term health and longevity.

Come on the journey to vitality with us, learn more about we can help you here. If you have any questions or would like some more information, please reach out to me here, we’ll be happy to help.

We look forward to the opportunity of working with you so you have the vitality to live your happiest and most fulfilled life.

Meaghan and Mel xx

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