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How to enjoy Christmas, eat well and have more energy

Dec 22, 2023

Christmas is almost here and it's a good opportunity to think about your 'Strategy'. How are you going handle sweets, or gluten or things you know don't agree with you? Are you going to drink, if so how much? The good news is, you are the boss of you, so you decide what's best for you. And in saying that, it's also helpful to have a plan so you can keep making decisions that support you to stay calm, eat well, keep exercising and have more energy to enjoy the holidays, and kick start 2024. 

These strategies and tips are for you if:

a) You always want to feel your best

b) You are concerned you may be, and don't want to be, one of those people who indulge at Christmas, and then the next day you say “stuff it I may as well eat the leftover pav”, then New Years comes around and you're still not back on track

c) You finally want to start finding the balance

Ideally you want to relax and enjoy the celebrations, while still choosing foods that feed your cells what they need to function optimally, get an afternoon nap in to restore and a walk in to keep your metabolism pumping and digestion working.

I talk to many people who lose their health-way at Christmas and call me in March desperately trying to get back on track. Most people find it harder to stay on track over the holidays because:

  • You often don’t have control over what you re eating, especially when you’re eating out

  • You feel under the Christmas pressure to eat more and especially highly processed, high sugar or rich foods that don't agree with you, but are highly appealing and very addictive. 

  • You find yourself drinking more alcohol which disrupts your sleep, and then find it harder to make good decisions the next day 

  • You are out of routine, especially if you are travelling

  • You don’t get to exercise regularly

  • You may feel stressed with some of the family dynamics

All of these things make it more challenging to make good decisions, if you relate to any of this, you're not alone. If you’re yet to work with me, I hope these strategies and tips help you feel better through the holiday season, and give you the best start to 2024. If you’ve completed my Lifelong Vitality Program including the Bio-Alai Health System Reset  then you’ll know what suits you and what doesn’t. And if you’re on the Bio-Alai Health System Reset now, you know who you are:), stay strong, chose wisely and your body will thank you xx

Here are my favourite strategies and tips to help you Here's what I’m focussing on over the holidays, so I can bring my best self to my family and every gathering.

  1.  I’ll keep having my favourite Gut Friendly Flaxseed Porridge for breakfast - then I know I’m starting the day with a nutritional boost, my digestion loves it and it keeps me regular, which can be an issue for many people when they’re eating foods they don’t normally eat. The porridge is full of good fats, fibre, a little carbs and Omega 3’s to keep me full and satiated till lunch. I do recommend an extra piece of chicken, protein powder or Amino Acids to ensure you have enough protein for the morning ahead. If porridge is not an option, stick to eggs or a high protein savoury breakfast and skip the processed carbohydrates, they’ll only make you feel bloated and kick-off the cravings for the day.

  2. When I’m going to friends or family, I’ll often take a bowl of olives, nuts or hummus and chopped up veggies so I have something to nibble on before dinner. I recommend avoiding the nibbles platter, as so many of my clients tell me that’s where they come undone!

  3. Most Christmas dinners are a protein with vegetables or salad which is usually quite balanced. I make sure I have plenty of protein and vegetables and about ½ cup of potatoes / carbs. The Slow Cooked Roast Pork recipe I’m making has a self-made gravy without flour and it's delicious. Try it, or the same concept with your roast meats. You really don’t need a flour based gravy, the juices of the meat mixed with Low-Histamine Chicken Broth, onions, fresh herbs and garlic make a delicious and gut friendly gravy.

  4. Those that know me, will know that I have a very strong intolerance to sugar, so I’ll be skipping the Pavlova I’m taking for Christmas dessert (more for my son, Hamish;)). Instead I’m making Quirky Cooking's Russian Custard Ice Cream and serving it with some berries and coconut yoghurt. If you’d like to try it, it’s very rich and oh so delicious, but check in with yourself as to whether you can have something sweet this Christmas without setting off a chain of cravings that may last well into next year. It also has egg yolks and butter, so if you're sensitive to those, it’s not for you.

  5. If I have a drink it will be a quality gin and sparkling mineral water, with some lime or lemon. White spirits are lower in GI and skip the tonic, as it’s high in sugar. The next best drink to have is a glass of red wine, but you know what suits you best, if anything. Everyone is very different when it comes to which alcohol has less impact on them. It all has an impact, so it’s just about damage control. Sparkling mineral water with lime and mint is a delicious alternative, or good to alternate with.

  6. When we’re going to friends or family, I always offer to take a salad. That means I know that I’ll have something to eat that makes me feel great. This Roasted Beetroot Salad is my go-to as it has low GI carbs, good fats, protein and lot’s of polyphenols with the greens. Delicious!

  7. Carrying some Digestive Enzymes with me is helpful if I find that I’ve eaten something that doesn’t agree with me. They help your body process whatever is in your digestion faster, think of them like little pac-men, and can be a godsend if you have digestion distress. I like both the Bioceuticals Multigest Enzymes  (Chemist Warehouse) and the Optimoz MassZymes (online)

  8. The Europeans have it right by walking after meals. So instead of collapsing on the couch, join me in encouraging the family, (or even get some peace), and go for a 20 minute walk after every, or any meal you can over Christmas. Walking after meals gets your digestion going, boosts your energy and uses the glucose in your blood that you’ve just consumed, which saves it from being processed in the liver and turned into fat stores. 

  9. My in-laws, the Gaffy's have taught me beautifully how to best deal with a difficult situation at Christmas. If you find yourself in a tense family situation, see if you can change the subject, if you can’t, just walk away. Nothing is worth an argument over at Christmas, family is too important and the day together is too precious, (so is your nervous system).

  10. I'll keep taking my MyAlai Multisystem Support, and I recommend you do too. It will support your brain function, help you make good decisions, support detoxification and give you more energy. 

Oh and a helpful PS - For those people who find they are starting to attack the nibbles platter, or wanting to go for seconds of dessert, I recommend taking yourself off to the toilet for a quick chat with yourself. Sometimes all you need is to break the moment and remember how far you’ve come, or what your focus is for 2024 - what you want for your health and what you don’t. It's too important.

The quote below is going to be my mantra for this Christmas. You may relate to it as well. It’s a good reminder of the importance of truly looking after ourselves, so we can bring our best self to those we love. 

"The holidays are a marathon, not a sprint. I can’t be a part of holiday magic if my body is broken. Prioritising my physical and mental health is an investment I’m making to support a special holiday season for myself and everyone around me."

— Dr. Casey Means

However you chose to spend your holiday season, I wish you a healthy, happy and connecting time with those you love.

Meaghan xx

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We look forward to the opportunity of working with you so you have the vitality to live your happiest and most fulfilled life.

Meaghan and Mel xx

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